PTSD and Fireworks Don’t Mix

Independence Day and other patriotic holidays are a blast! Party time! For many. But for others, this “blast” propels them right back into the heat of battle. Physically and emotionally. How ironic and gut wrenching that the very soldiers who sacrificed so we could celebrate our freedom may be the ones who struggle most on…

Blasts, Bombs, Shootings, & PTSD

In the media frenzy following the horrendous Boston Marathon bombing, I was interviewed for a press release. Although not the world’s top expert on PTSD, I gladly offered a few thoughts I have learned from my own experience living with a veteran with PTSD, as well as what I have gleaned from others. Bombs, blasts,…

Beat the Burnout!

  Desperate for a vacation in Hawaii?  Better, yet, how about a one way ticket?!  (I’ll meet you there).  🙂  Loving and caring for others can take its toll on us, especially at certain times of the year when everything else seems so overwhelming! So how do we love our vets, and those around us,…